
Donations can be directed to a student by mentioning their name in the reference section.

Poinsettia Fundraiser

Our Annual Poinsettia fundraiser will begin on November 8, 2024. The poinsettias come from Orchard Hills Greenhouse (same greenhouse who supplied the mums). 

Students will have the opportunity to sell 6.5, 7.5 or 8.5” red, white or pink poinsettias. 

Prices: The 6.5” poinsettia sells for $20 while the 7.5” poinsettia sells for $30 and the 8.5” sells for $40

Please use the order form link below once you are ready to submit your final totals. The completed order needs to be submitted by Monday, November 25, 2024 using the attached google form.The FULL payment needs to be made with ONE check made out to the Friends of Music or cash payment placed in a sealed envelope with Poinsettia Fundraiser and your students name printed on the front of the envelope. Checks and cash can be placed in the Everything Box located at the front of the band room.

➡️ Google Form for Final Orders
➡️ Student Tally Sheet: I have also included a tally sheet so students can track their orders before submitting their final order

Unlike the mums, pick will be at Orchard Greenhouse anytime after Thursday, December 2, 2024. All poinsettias must be picked up by December 13 2024. Please contact the greenhouse at 603-437-3906 to set up a pick up time for your poinsettias.

Watch our Lancers and their families shine as superheroes in this CFS advert!

CFS You're A Superhero V2.mp4
FundraisingFAQS 2024-2025.pdf